PROJEKTI: Iittalan Lasimäen turismin kehittämiskartoitus

  • Ajankohta: 2013
  • Toimeksiantaja: Kehittämiskeskus Oy Häme
  • 6 Opiskelijaa (HAMK International business)
  • Projekti toteutettiin englanniksi 

Lähtökohta:  Miten Iittalan lasimäen turismin kävijäkokemuksia voisi parantaa ja lisätä alueen näkyvyyttä?

Tuotos:         Alueen kartoitus turismin näkökulmasta sekä ehdotukset toimenpiteille.

The aim of this research was to investigate the customer ex-perience in Lasimäki at the moment. In addition, the aim was also to come up with suggestions how to improve this situa-tion. In order to maximize the amount of tourists coming in, the destination and its sources should always come out as professional and interesting. This kept in mind, the recom-mendations for Lasimäki Iittala is the following.

The overall brand of Lasimäki should be reconstructed into one, unified world. The area and its companies should have a solid graphical guideline that they follow in order to achieve this goal. In practice, the billboards and signs that market the companies should have one style that complements every-one’s aims, but is consistent. Companies working together have potential to maximize the profit the area could reach.

The Lasimäki area should be organized into neat, one pack-age through billboards, signs and maps of the area. This brings the area together as one, but also directs the tourists in-to the destinations they search. All around the premises ex-ploring Wenkooli- characters could be considered in order to strengthen the brand and reinsure that attracts more custom-ers (families) and gain more recognition.

The webpage should be translated into English, Swedish, Russian and Japanese to boost up the number of tourists ex-ploring the webpage. The appearance of the webpage also needs boosting up: by bringing color, vivid images and in-formation the webpage would be more inviting. The webpage also should include a mapping service for the tourists (for ex-ample cooperation with Google Maps). Instructions and maps ensure easier access for the area. The area should be also in-troduced in the webpage as an interesting location to visit. This could be done in a virtual tour of the area.

By adding new attractions to the area grow its potential to at-tract more tourists. Opening the beach in the summer time will guarantee local residents into the area to create a positive buzz, but would also act as an addition for the tourists. Finn-ish beaches are famous all over the world because of the puri-ty of them, and this fact should not be overlooked. Taking part in the information center is also a tactic move for Lasimäki: it would work as a starting point for the visit in Lasimäki. A well structured service package offered by the info center in order to support the tourists and give them clear instructions on how to maximize the Lasimäki experience for particularly them. Info center would also increase the credi-bility of Lasimäi Iittala.

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